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Civil Liability and Employee Discipline in Corrections $25.00
APPA Accredited Courses

Civil Liability and Employee Discipline in Corrections

Civil lawsuits and the employee disciplinary process are serious concerns for custody staff and supervisors. Civil liability refers to the possibility of being ordered to pay damages for violating someone’s rights. Lawsuits commonly brought by inmates allege that front-line officers have violated their constitutional or civil rights. Inmates commonly bring grievances or lawsuits against the individual officers directly involved in a situation and the entire chain of command up to and including the superintendent, warden, or sheriff of the jail or prison. This course will help correctional officers and supervisors working in adult correctional facilities better understand civil lawsuits and risk management steps to take to defend against civil lawsuits. It will also discuss what to expect from the employee disciplinary process. This course will provide correctional officers and supervisors working in adult correctional facilities with information related to civil lawsuits and risk management steps to take to defend against civil lawsuits and the employee disciplinary process.
ITEM: #1576733
Civil Liability and Employee Discipline in Corrections
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